Sentencing Guidelines Worksheet Changes, 2022

In November 2022, the MSCCSP deployed MAGS Version 11.0 of the Maryland Sentencing Guidelines Worksheet. Version 11.0 implemented the following changes:

The former “Reconsideration (COVs Only) or 3-Judge Review” field has been replaced with two new fields. These fields will only become mandatory if the sentencing event involves a crime of violence as defined in CR, § 14-101. The first field asks “Is this sentencing event the original sentencing event or a modification to a crime of violence sentence?” Users will be prompted to select “Original Sentencing Event” or “Modification to Crime of Violence Sentence” from the drop-down menu.

If “Original Sentencing Event” is selected in response to the first field, the second field labeled “Modification to Crimes of Violence Sentences” will remain disabled and no further action pertaining to these two new fields will be necessary.

If “Modification to Crime of Violence Sentence” is selected in response to the first field, the “Modification to Crime of Violence Sentences” field will then become enabled and one of the following modifications will need to be selected from the drop-down menu:

  • Pursuant to Maryland Rule 4-345
  • HG, § 8-507 order
  • Three-Judge Panel Review