Maryland Sentencing Guidelines Manual (MSGM), Prior to June 2001
Please note that the Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy (MSCCSP) was not the custodian of the Maryland Sentencing Guidelines Manual (MSGM) until its establishment in July 1999. Although every effort has been made to identify and obtain earlier versions of the MSGM, the MSCCSP may not be able to provide all iterations of the MSGM prior to June 2001. As later versions of the MSGM often consist of previous versions with select pages replaced, many previous versions of the MSGM are not available in their entirety. For reference, a list of known versions of the MSGM is included below. If available, a PDF copy of the relevant MSGM is provided via hyperlink.
- March 1982 Revision to the MSGM
This document consists of a letter, dated March 17, 1982, describing certain modifications and clarifications to the June 1981 MSGM. It appears that these changes were only documented here, and were not incorporated into a revised version.
- May 1984
- September 1985 MSGM
This is the version of the MSGM that was in effect on September 1985. It consists of the October 1982 MSGM with revisions made on May 1984 and September 1985.
- March 1987 MSGM
This is the version of the MSGM that was in effect on March 1987. Please note, however that pages C-5 and C-7, which consist of the sentencing matrix and sentencing guidelines for drug offenses, appear to have been revised on July 1987. These pages as they appeared on March 1987 are not available.
- July 1987
- November 1987
- November 1988
This is the version of the MSGM that was in effect on November 1988. It consists primarily of the July 1987 MSGM with minor revision made on November 1987 and November 1988. The November 1988 revisions are limited to asking the judges to include restitution information in the sentence field.
- March 1989
- January 1993 MSGM
This is the version of the MSGM that was in effect on January 1993. It consists primarily of the July 1987 MSGM with minor revision made on November 1987, November 1988, March 1989, and January 1993.
- January 1995 MSGM
This is the version of the MSGM that was in effect on January 1995. It consists primarily of the July 1987 MSGM with minor revisions made on November 1987, November 1988, March 1989, and January 1993, and new offenses added on January 1995.
- October 1996 MSGM
This is the version of the MSGM that was in effect on October 1996. It consists primarily of the July 1987 MSGM with minor revisions made on November 1988 and March 1989, and a new Appendix A (Sentencing Guidelines Offenses) added on October 1996. Note that the new Appendix A superseded revisions that occurred on November 1987, January 1993, and January 1995.