Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy

Supporting fair and proportional sentencing policy

Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy

Supporting fair and proportional sentencing policy

Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy

Supporting fair and proportional sentencing policy

The Maryland General Assembly created the Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy (MSCCSP) in 1999 as an independent agency to support fair and proportional sentencing policy and to maintain the State’s voluntary sentencing guidelines for criminal cases sentenced in the circuit courts. The MSCCSP is responsible for collecting and automating the sentencing guidelines worksheets, maintaining the sentencing guidelines database, monitoring circuit court sentencing practice, adopting changes to the guidelines consistent with the sentencing practices of Maryland circuit court judges, and providing training and orientation to criminal justice practitioners who apply the sentencing guidelines.


January 31, 2025:

The MSCCSP released its 2024 Annual Report, which covers the Commission’s activities over the past year and reviews circuit court sentencing practices for fiscal year 2024. As required by CP, § 6-209(b)(iii), the annual report includes a detailed report on sentences for crimes of violence (COV). Information supplementing the COV report may be found on the recently updated COV Data Dashboard.

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